East-West Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System

ADI BRT Station 27 Rendering

American Design, Inc., (ADI), is the Architect for this new transit system connecting Downtown Milwaukee to the County Institution Grounds.  Working with a lead engineering team, ADI prepared a design for the project shelters that successfully fits into a whole range of local site contexts.  The outcome of the design phase produced a ‘low-impact’ shelter.  Being a simple glass unit, the shelter integrates well into downtown, college campuses, suburban residential and commercial settings regardless of surrounding historic or contemporary architecture.  ADI created a dozen photo-realistic 3D illustrations for public hearings to illustrate and ease concerns on how these new MCTS bus stops will fit into the various neighborhoods along the BRT route.  In addition to the shelters, ADI completed the design for the streetscape amenities at each stop.  Construction began in 2021 and is expected to end in 2022.

See https://www.ridemcts.com/programs/bus-rapid-transit to learn about the transit program, and check out more about BRT’s construction here -> https://eastwestbrtmke.com/

ADI BRT Station 27 Rendering